Good news for the squeamish—there are medical positions for those with an aversion to blood, needles, scalpels, and stitches! And chief among these positions is the work of a clinical consultant. If the work and science of medicine and biology intrigue you, turning yourself into a clinical consultant might be a very wise move.
Medicine related careers are generally very specific. You learn about a certain aspect of the work and you then excel in it. Aside from becoming a general nurse or general physician each medical job is very precise and particular. This is also marginally true about a clinical consultant, though they do need a wider scope of knowledge than the medical specialist.
A clinical consultant is usually employed by a hospital, and their work is very important in the medicine world. A clinical consultant—like majority of consulting jobs—is the figure that is responsible for supplying answers to many different problems. A clinical consultant specifically reviews certain medical cases, and maps out the best options for dealing with disorders or various diseases. Consultants will conduct research and also meet with physicians and patients alike to decide the best course for specific people and their treatments.
Are registered nurses (RNs) the only candidates for this position? They are definitely not. The requirements are attainable by anyone who has an interest in medicine, or biology, or some other closely related field. A four year degree is necessary, usually in healthcare, biotechnology, or nursing. Yearly, a clinical consultant makes around $77,000, although that number will grow with your experience.
In healthcare consulting jobs especially, you will need to be a person of many talents. If you decided to pursue a career in clinical consulting, you would need the ability to communicate clearly and to a wide audience. You will meet regularly with other clinical consultants and knowledgeable physicians, but also with patients who need help understanding medical information. You will need clarity of speech when speaking with all of these groups, because though you were hired to do a lot of research, your primary responsibility is to be a helpful consultant. Which leads nicely to the next desired quality—people skills. You will be working with many different people—any medical job directly involves real people with real illnesses. You will need to have a caring, comforting manner when working with patients. You will also need marginal computer skills, because that will be your prime tool when conducting research.
As with all medical careers, there is job stability. The need for medical consulting and treatment has remained one of the strongest, most secure fields of work, and it will remain that way conceivably for forever. Why? Because even though technology is constantly shifting, there will always be a need for medical assistance.
Clinical consultants mostly keep away from all the blood and gore, but the glory of medical work is something they know well. They are the leading medical experts in their workplace, and the essence of medical work—research, science, and treatment—are the main work of the clinical consultant.