When addressing any form of education or certification required in the Consultancy field one must address the sector prior to understanding the requirements. Some will argue that years of experience in certain disciplines will suffice to become a Specialist. Regardless of the stand, one should consider a minimum of a 4-year degree in their field. With the use of the Internet and heavy competition one must be prepared to take on major projects with large budgets, while adhering to rules and regulations of that sector. Experience of that nature can only be acquired with hands on experience. The ability to have managerial skills, with analytical skills including proven track record will give a Consultant the edge over another.
It is necessary for Consultants who pursue careers in this sector to have the basics. A Bachelor in Education, English, Special Education, etc. is something most College and Universities will look for. However an MBA in their field of expertise will enhance their marketing capabilities. Most Consultants in today’s market have degrees but also go through a vigorous training program in order to specialize in various sectors. This can often give the consultant a competitive edge.
In the sector of College Admissions Consultants they will be involved in assisting teens and adults alike with their choices. This can vary from assisting teens with Colleges they may have applied for or how to study in order to pass their curriculum requirements. Sometimes it can be a hand in acquiring old college transcripts, reviewing them and looking at the various classes needed to finish a degree.
Another responsibility and focus of a College Admissions Consultant is assisting a High School graduate by choosing the right University once offers are sent back from the educational institutions. Ultimately deciding which school would best serve them. Once the College or University has been chosen then the focus would be on whether the teen could perform well including where their strengths lie. Depending on the experience of the College Admission Consultant they will be able to discern how to best use the qualities of the teen and how to match it with what their institutions is offering. A lot of patience and knowledge of Academia is required of the College Admissions Consultants in order to give the best opportunity for the applicant. The responsibility and rewards are ultimately why a person would choose this difficult and arduous career.
As a consultant, the satisfaction of knowing you have helped a teenager or an adult make the right decision on what college to attend is well rewarded. An Education Consultants is capable of making anywhere from $50,000 -$75,000. Some college consultants prefer to charge by the hour this can range from $75 to $100 per hour.