Becoming an Educational Consultant provides a lucrative career that is filled with financial and emotional satisfaction. Satisfaction in this industry comes from paving the way for students to become successful in their chosen field. To become a successful Educational Consultant requires hard work, discipline, and the drive to acquire knowledge and experience in the industry. From engaging in relevant dialogue with all agencies, (federal, state, environmental, local and international) preparing and assisting independent reviews, to managing multi million dollar departments. An Educational Consultant can easily find work with the right qualifications.
What are the requirements needed for an Educational Consultant?
A minimum of a Bachelor degree in Business Administration with a proven work history is highly advised. However a PHD in the appropriate sector with global and International studies are preferred. In addition, if special educational consultant is desired such as disability consultant; then special training and state certification from licenses and written exams will be needed. It is advisable to refer to the state, or local government for the requirements in your area.
Is the private sector more profitable than the educational one?
If you are planning to work as an Educational Consultant, the possibilities are endless. You may opt to work for private institutions or for a state funded program. In some cases one can work directly on the federal government’s behalf in order to change or update educational requirements in that state. Many Educational Consultants branch out after working for a university and open their own agency. The monetary advantages are obvious, however when a consultant bids on a project it is best when they can provide a successful track record. In addition, if specialization is offered regardless of governmental or private sector the wage and benefits will be an added feature.
What expenses are incurred as a Consultant?
In order to become a Consultant, a 4-year degree from a university or state college is required. As competitive as the market has become an MBA would serve the applicant better. The best combination would be a degree with a strong work history. The salaries range and vary by qualifications education and work history. Enrolling in special programs in order to get certified may also play a roll in acquiring the requirements needed. Costs for these courses will vary from $1000 to $3000 in certain fields like disability consultancy.
How Much money can I make as a Consultant?
Depending on the field an Educational Consultant can demand from $65,000 per year to $90,000 per year. In some cases the consultant will charge by the hour. However, in the educational sectors such as learning institutions or college admissions consultancy, a consultant may charge per case from $1500- $2000 per student or $75-$100 per hour.