You have to consider a few things prior deciding your rates as a consultant. They are as mentioned below: Initially you have to evaluate the rate of consultant who deals with nursing consults in your area. Then find rates of other nurses by contacting professional organization of nursing, clinics, hospitals and the law firms who employ nursing consultants. Education also matters while deciding your rates. You must be able to charge the highest fees if you have a master's degree or additionally any other medical administration, law degree or credentials in business. Also consider your expertise/skills to decide your charges.
Let your client know how much of experience you have while working as a consultant nurse; how long you have prepared reports as an independent nurse consulting or how many assistants you had under your expert guidance. Based on the complexity of the work you have to perform, you many vary your rates. If you are required to do extensive research or work on technical projects, you may charge higher fees. You will also have to decide method of charging - whether you will charge flat fees or you may charge an hourly rate. There are some nurse consultants who are giving this both options to their clients. They provide them consultancy on the hourly rates for tasks like open-ended document reviews, court appearances and conducting researches. For long term projects they offer the services of flat fee. Finally you have to include other expense that you put in. Such expenses include: travel made to meet clients, notary public fees, photocopying and long-distance telephone calls.